Our Leland Fence Contractor Shares the Best Fence Options for Horses

Fences give horses the opportunity to exercise, graze, and socialize while remaining safe and secure. While there are a wide variety of fencing types and materials available on today’s market, only some of them are suitable for horses. Below are some Leland fence options that work best for a horse, and some options that are best avoided.

Selecting a Horse Fence: Things to Consider

A horse-appropriate fence should be highly visible to the animal, durable, and free of hazards. Ideally, it should appear as a solid barrier, so the horse will be less likely to challenge it or accidentally run into it. On the other hand, it should not be too solid—should the horse run into it, it should be flexible enough to prevent injury.

No matter what, remember that the health of your horse is more important than the fence’s cost and overall appearance. In addition, if the fence that is chosen is right for the job, you will likely save yourself from repair costs and vet bills in the long run.

Wooden Fences for Horses

Wooden fencing is attractive, highly visible, and, provided it is properly installed, safe. However, horses may chew on the wood, so if you choose this material, it’s advisable to add a string of electric wire to protect the fence. It’s also important to keep up with wooden fence repair and maintenance, because horses can injure themselves on nails which emerge over time. You can mitigate this threat by asking your fence installer to nail boards to the inside of the fence posts, so that horses cannot damage them by leaning on them.

Vinyl Fences for Horses

PVC fencing, also called vinyl fencing, has a similar appearance and visibility to traditional wood, without many of wood fencing’s drawbacks such as rotting and warping. Vinyl fences are a great option for horse owners because, firstly, they are easy to clean with a quick spray from a hose; and secondly, because they can withstand a severe blow, like a kick or tractor collision. Lastly, vinyl fences do not require painting or staining, and will keep their color for a long period of time. The only downside is that, for some, the aesthetic and feel of vinyl is just not as authentic and pleasing as wood.

Metal Fences for Horses

Galvanized steel tubing is often used for horse gates, but can it also be used for the entire fence. Steel fencing is strong, visible, and durable, and typically requires little maintenance if property galvanized and powder-coated. However, due to its unforgiving nature, steel fences can be a bit hazardous to horses. It has no flexibility with which to soften an impact, and horses can sometimes get their heads or legs caught in them, and injure themselves in the struggle to get free.

On the other hand, unlike other types of fencing, a steel fence is extremely sturdy, and has no sharp edges that could harm the animal. If you choose a steel horse fence, you can mitigate the risks by adding wire mesh panels or no-climb wire in front of it.

Need Custom Horse Fencing in Leland NC?  

If you’re looking for a fence installation, repair or replacement in Leland NC, the experts at Cape Fear Fence can help. With over 20 years of experience in the fencing industry, we can advise you on the right fence for your needs, and install it right the first time! To schedule a free estimate for your farm, field, property or paddock, click here.